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The Systemic Lands

Michael must survive a fake world, he and other people from Earth have been teleported to.... Read more
Michael must survive a fake world, he and other people from Earth have been teleported to.Struggling to survive with his weight and fear. Michael must try and figure out the mysteries of this new world he is stuck in. The other people transported to the empty stone city, the monsters outside, and the mysterious System Store are all threats or opportunities in equal measure.The Systemic Lands is a Dark Progressive LITRPG. Taking a grittier approach to the survival progression story, when the main character isn't a super athlete ready to go at a moment's notice.The unique setting moves away from any of the standard tropes of a LITRPG setting and takes on the air of a true mystery. While a slower start as Michael gets his bearings, there is clear progression, stats, and power levels. Avoiding the info dumps of boxes, The Systemic Lands excels at people using knowledge of game mechanics to try and figure out how things work.***Updates Daily at 7 PM EST/Patreon 30 Chapters Ahead.Free Reference Information on Patreon: SpoilerChapter and Information LinksGeneral Image Credit: General images are by Pixabay from KELLEPICS.Cover Credit: Cover and other art by Zonked Eye. Collapse
Antihero Protagonist, Game Elements, Grimdark, High Fantasy, LitRPG, Sword And Magic, Male Protagonist, Isekai, Age Progression, Strategist, Overpowered Protagonist, Evil Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Average-looking Protagonist, Fat Protagonist
The story originally had some serious promise, but man, ever since the ritualist arc the plot has just been an endless series of fights with little to none of the introspection the mc had up to that point. If you like fighting with little rest or recovery in between for the reader, you might enjoy the way the novel turns out. But for me, it was an frustrating read to catch up.3/5.
the land is full of systems...even the wild animal has system.. is that it?
Nah, there's only 1 system lol. The title is like this is because when designing the system, author did any% Speedrun. World looks like a game made in: "Making an RPG game in Java in 5 hours stream" YouTube video. So the name kinda fits.
This description is spot-on.
this novel has potential but was ruined by author trying to make a villain last longer. THAT would have been good BUT, an obvious solution and denying it is plain asinine. when the ritualist show ups, I already know the solution to this OP villain. that is to FOCUS the points to strengthen the MC !!! isn't that obvious??!! that's why I drop this novel. hayah
Made a review a while back at Chapter 80, am currently up to date at Chapter 257/XXX and things are definetly different now and imo worse. The majority of it is due to the first antagonist, the Ritualist, but there are some issues which are also mostly due to my preferences, which I will just cover briefly first.In my original review I mentioned the "Viewpoint" chapters where you got a bunch of the side characters POVs. Im not a fan of shifting POVs in novels, but these types of chapters were good at the time as they were fairly infrequent, but as the novel has gone on they have just become more and more common. Alongside this, there are 'bonus' chapters which are from the Ritualists' POV. Quite a lot of them are basically the exact same as the normal Chapter, but from his POV instead.I.e. 2 chapters back to back of the same fight between Michael and Ritualist, but from each of their POVs. It basically just ends up with the majority of the Chapter just copy+pasted of the previous one.In regards to these 'bonus chapters' the author, in an Authors Note on Chapter XXX on RR said:SpoilerFirst, you are getting these chapters as extra. No one is forcing you to read them. Second, they are necessary. Even more so for the later antagonists. There is no other way to show things outside the MC's perspective and give context to certain actions and events.Imo if the chapters contribute towards the plot and are 'necessary' then they aren't really 'bonus' ones you can ignore.The Ritualist is the main issue with this novel imo. Put simply, he has insane levels of plot armor. The first time when Michael and Ritualist meet, there is absolutely no way that Michael would make the mistake he ends up making. We are shown constantly that Michael is aware of all these typical tropes and does his best to not make stupid mistakes and he doesn't care about making a mess or leaving others to clean up after him yet Spoilerinstead of just melting the Ritualist, like he does with EVERY other enemy or even those who offend him, he just lets a random soldier strangle the guy for a short while and thats it. Doesn't do anything to check or make sure he is dead, which is very out of character for MC. The author on RR tried to explain it away by saying that he was distracted and didnt want to make a mess since they were in a fancy restaurant etc. But that just doesnt seem consistent with how the MC has acted up to that point. MC literally says:SpoilerOnce you torture someone, better make sure they are dead. No people bent on revenge. Ruth was enough headache and I didn’t want a second.Right AFTER saying:Spoiler“Just strangle him, make sure he is dead,” I said.I just don't think Michael is the kind of guy who would not only choose that method, but not even do it himself or check afterwards.This type of thing pretty much happens everytime that Michael is close to killing him. Plot armor always rescues the Ritualist. After each of these times Michael always feels he lost and regrets it and swears next time he'll finish it, but that never happens. What makes it worse imo, is that when it comes to the Ritualist POV he ALSO thinks he lost and swears to be stronger and defeat Michael.It has gotten to an insane level lately where some random new character has appeared and who, despite his plan being to send the Ritualist off to his death, he ends up helping him to an INSANE degree Spoilergets him an extremely good skill, gives him monster knowledge, hybrid knowledge, a new territory to take over as well as protection to get there etc.Some comments on RR said that the Ritualist basically has an aura of idiocy around him which affects anyone he comes into contact with, which is very true imo.I think if I hadn't kept up with this from early on, I would have dropped it either once the other POV chaps started up, or during the first meeting between the Ritualist and Michael. The main reason I've continued on was due to having interest in the MCs story and sunk cost tbh. But I think it may be time to stop. I am still interested in the MC and the story behind the Systemic Lands, but I'm not sure if that is strong enough to ignore the issues for me anymore.
The second the mc left the ritualistic to be strangled instead of melting him himself or even atleast cutting his throat or knifing his heart was when I stopped reading. That kind of stupid cannot be read. I mean after he melted random people for stupid reasons, leaving someone who stole most of the city’s cash reserves alive like that was too much.
The ritualistic is only a minor villain imo
Anyone know any other stories with an MC like this and isn't harem. And ISNT Reverand Insanity? Like srs, ask for an evil protag, and EVERYONE says rev ins, lol.
Too many lmao, Spiritual attainment of Minghe, Soul of Negary, Konoha's hypcrite (its FanFic)
I haven't heart of spiritual attainment, thanks fellow daoist! Have any more, brother?
Ever heard of this quite underrated novel? Not many people know this novel but it's really good and has an evil MC. It's called Reverend Insanity.
I recommend Hitman with a badass system. As Chinese as the title sounds trust me it’s original not translated and edited. It includes Useful female lead, Ruthless mc(i mean really ruthless), smart mc, never spare no one, also he is a villain as the people in the world say
Please what is srs
srs = seriously
Novel with tag Evil Protagonist from RoaylRoad IS ALL bad lol i read like 100 from RR and every is trash, Evil Protagonist from china author is more enjoyable
This novel is like “another stupid isekai”
Sure buddy
Why are people disliking this?'Another stupid isekai' is the name of another novel.
O lmaooo
Welcum to the dark side of the internet
Had the same thought
Mc is a good person inside but stays neutral at times. Power progression is slow, but it fits the novel. The mc isn't gonna be fat for long and doesn't think like a fat person either if you're wondering since that was a concern to me at the beginning. This is a top tier novel in my books, the depth of character for a novel is great, characters feel like they're real people especially Michael. The imperfection of his character as a person and the choices he makes make the novel feel real. It felt very tedious to read this novel at times because I can relate to the people in the story. This novel is different and might feel repetitive after chapter 50 to some. It's very different from the typical novels on this site, a lot of other novels feel like copy and paste novels when you put them side by side with this one. I had to drop at around 200 because the mc is too nice and loathes human experimentations, he has too many boundaries that he's afraid to break even though he's very bold, his character is somewhat contradictory. anyways this novel is not for me, but I feel like it would be someone else's favorite soon so give it a chance
doesn't think like a fat personFat persons think different?
Like every jp mc?
I'd assume that obesity would make life very sedentary and encourage lazy habits. But I'm not obese so who knows lol
Look like cause and effect mixed up. Obese appear with lack of movement or some illness. So most time you should be lazy at first to be fat.
That's completely wrong, obesity itself is an illness. There was a study done to prove this. On two identical twins, one being obese and the other normal size, gut bacteria was taken from the obese twin and implanted into one rat from a set of identical twin rats. The result was that the rat that was implanted with the bacteria also became obese after having that bacteria even though both rats were consuming the same number of calories.But going back to my earlier comment, I was saying that whether your fat because of eating or whatever reason there might be. The increased difficulty of movement for a fat person encourages lazy habits. I'd also imagine fat people think differently because of the discrimination they face. It would affect their self-esteem and mindset. I just did a little research and according to University of Pennsylvania researchers, fat people are stereotyped as “lazy, incompetent, unattractive, lacking willpower and to blame for their excess weight.”
When i wrote "illness" i meant situation when person do everything right (calorie control, physical activity, gym) and still get more weight or don't lose it. So when i wrote about "lack of movement", it was about situation when income and consume energy not balanced and excessive get stored but it can be loosing with increasing energy consume.How much excessive weight we are talking about? +30 kg or +100? It's all obese but different stages and have different reasons.I'm can't disagree with your comment if we talk about illness and really bad cases like extremely obese on body mass index. If we talk about mild obese it not so bad neither in social aspect nor health. When i answer your previous comment i was think about second option because mc could run in the start of story and only negative aspect of his body was unprepared to physical activity.
I cant see my DD when PP?
He changes, pick it back up
apenas vá em frente
Where is the sigma male tag🗿
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