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7 months ago
Jiang Ping stood in awe as his accidental actions led to the creation and transformation of various... Read more Jiang Ping stood in awe as his accidental actions led to the creation and transformation of various mythical worlds. The diary he had stumbled upon seemed to hold immense power, granting him the ability to shape and mold reality. With each twist and turn, new realms were born, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants.First came the prehistoric world, a land filled with ancient creatures and primeval landscapes. Dinosaurs roamed freely, and towering mountains stood as testaments to the earth’s long history. Jiang Ping marveled at the diversity of life and the raw power that emanated from this realm.Next, the Olympic world materialized, inspired by the ancient Greek myths. Mighty gods and goddesses ruled over this realm, engaging in epic battles and engaging in tales of heroism. The majestic Mount Olympus served as their divine abode, and mortals sought favor and guidance from these deities.As Jiang Ping continued to explore his newfound ability, he delved into the creation of a fantasy world. This realm was characterized by magic, mythical creatures, and enchanting landscapes. Knights embarked on quests, dragons soared through the skies, and wizards wielded incredible powers. Imagination ran wild in this fantastical domain.However, the unexpected entry of a group of sand sculpture players added an element of unpredictability to the worlds Jiang Ping created. These individuals brought their creativity and sand artistry, breathing life into sculptures that took on a life of their own. These animated sand creations wandered through the realms, interacting with the inhabitants and becoming part of the ever-expanding tapestry of these mythical lands.With the creation diary in hand, Jiang Ping continued to explore new possibilities, eager to see what wonders awaited him in the next page, the next chapter of his journey as a mythical world creator. Collapse Game Elements, God-human Relationship, God Protagonist, Godly Powers, Hidden Abilities, Kingdom Building, Legends, Male Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Multiple POV, Mythical Beasts, Nationalism, Protagonist with Multiple Bodies, Ruthless Protagonist, Secrets, Slow Growth at Start, Special Abilities, Time Manipulation, Time Skip People in these comments are really complaining about this being too verbose. I think MTL and bad translations have really taken a toll on you guys💀 Nvm this really is just word vomit every other sentence is just disjointed and the thought of being concise disgusts this tl lol So, I've read this for more than 400 chapters in MTL.Pros:-The overall world building is decent with lots of ideas and a basically coherent system.-The individual story-lines are each pretty decent.Cons:-The main character is trash. The issue is that he believes he is not and the author seems to be trying to portray him as not. However his casual mistakes an inattention causes billions of souls to be harmed. And he feels zero responsibility to fix or insure it doesn't happen again. I'm not talking about mistakes they make but mistakes caused by his own actions.-The author wholesale rips off large chunks of several stories without trying to hide it (Alice in Wonderland, Fate Stay/Night, Matrix, Ultraman etc.) But at the same time, doesn't provide a reason for these chunks such as the characters intentionally creating the situation or world interference.Overall, it can be a decent distraction especially in the first few hundred chapters. But the more you pay attention to the plot lines or the main character's trash ethics that are portrayed incorrectly as good, the more you want the story to turn into a crossover where the MC is killed by a legitimate good, evil or neutral character and his powers taken. It wasn't enough for him to harm the people in his various created worlds through his various actions but he also did the same in the real world and equally showed zero responsibility. anyone who wants to read this without difficulty I advise you to look at 69shu because the translator who complicated the work with these amounts of useless synonyms Bro I see u recommend reading on 69shu all the time in the comment sections but that website isn’t even in English right? So are u recommending us to mtl it or am I looking at the wrong website No, 69shuba is a pirated Qidian translation site, the site only has the standard traditional Chinese translation. Damn I can’t even read Chinese forget it Oh, no need to worry. Google translation is very good by 69shuba, you can read it without fear Oh really? I’ve never tried to mtl myself manually but doesn’t it seem like a lot of work? You copy each chapter manually then go into the Chinese to English translator on google right No, haha. depending on the browser you are using, it already comes with its own translator. When you select the language you want to translate, that's it. Which browser do u use? And translating hundreds if not thousands of chapters seem like such a drag… why not just check for mtl at that point If u use google chrome, there's option to "always translate Chinese" it'll automatically translate the site so it's not really a drag Where? I don’t usually use google translate so I can’t see it I liked first world it was fun and interesting but the introduction of player f#cking ruined the second world the brain dead journey to west world f#ck!!can they f#cking think of something new like!! I've finished it, reading it was kinda hard because it's just block of words.It's not that bad. Bruh block of words.CHAPTERS LISTChapter 8: The Ignition of Civilization, Multiplication Table of Nine!My Mythical WorldJiang Ping remained silent, withholding his response, leaving the question hanging in the air, unanswered, as a veil of uncertainty descended upon the dreamscape. Deep within the recesses of Wuma's contemplative mind, an incessant nagging concern persisted, urging him to seek answers. With utmost deference, he respectfully inquired, "Our ape tribe, inherently feeble and bereft of fur, claws, and fangs, falls prey far too easily to a myriad of savage beasts. Does this seal our tribe's fate, dooming us to death?" Even the mightiest tree, the epitome of wisdom, stood in silence, unable to offer a satisfactory response. It seemed only the enigmatic figure, who emanated an aura akin to that of a god, held the key to the long-awaited answer. Jiang Ping fixed his unwavering gaze upon Wuma, his countenance exuding a serene calmness, as he spoke with measured words, "In the ebb and flow of all existence lies a profound rationale. Even the most humble and fragile of insects can undergo a metamorphosis, emerging as resplendent butterflies, transcending their initial insignificance to become magnificent creatures of divine. Similarly, colossal dragons, despite their immense power, can succumb to the relentless onslaught of minute and vulnerable insects. Thus, humanity prevails over nature, for nothing is irrevocably predetermined." "Humanity prevails over nature?" Wuma mused, his words hanging softly in the air. Suddenly, his attention was captivated by the ethereal luminosity that enveloped their surroundings, as if a revelation was about to unfold. With delicate grace, Jiang Ping cradled two radiant orbs in his hands, revealing their profound significance, "These orbs bear two distinct wellsprings of power. One contains the sacred blood of dragons, an elixir that, once consumed, bestows upon you the extraordinary might of these majestic creatures, elevating you to the echelons of the world's most formidable beings." Wuma's heart quickened within his chest, vivid memories of the awe-inspiring might of dragons etched deeply into his consciousness. These mythical beings possessed unimaginable strength, capable of decimating entire tribes with ease, while simultaneously wielding unparalleled abilities. Yet, his gaze shifted to the other gleaming orb, curiosity burning within him. "Behold the spark of civilization," Jiang Ping continued, his voice resonating with profound significance. "It does not instantly confer divine power, but rather holds the potential to empower your tribe, enabling them to ascend to the ranks of the mightiest beings in this world." "Civilization?" Wuma found himself perplexed by this unfamiliar term, grappling to grasp its profound meaning and implications. Jiang Ping, recognizing the complexity of the concept, chose not to delve into its intricacies at that moment. Instead, he forged ahead, saying, "If you choose the blood of dragons, your awakening shall mark the commencement of an unbroken sprint towards the left side of the Rashel Great Tree. However, should you embrace the spark of civilization, your path shall lead you ceaselessly to the right side of this colossal tree." Having spoken these words, Jiang Ping transformed into a fleeting streak of light skin to a brilliant comet, dissipating into the ethereal realm. Wuma, still caught in a haze of bewilderment, momentarily contemplated reaching out to stop him. Yet, in that very instant, an ear-shattering sound reverberated through the air, jolting him awake from his reverie. "Hoo~ Hoo~" Startled, Wuma awoke, his body drenched in a chilling sheen of perspiration. Peering into the shrouded darkness ahead, he found himself torn between viewing the preceding conversation as a figment of his ardent desire for power or as a manifestation of divine mercy, sympathizing with the vulnerability of the ape tribe and deliberately revealing itself. Suddenly, he recollected the ultimate choice bestowed upon him by a deity. An exhilarating shiver coursed through his body as Wuma swiftly rose to his feet, resolute in his purpose, and dashed towards the sacred tree. Though the nocturnal expanse offered no guiding light, he navigated the treacherous terrain with unerring certainty, capable of traversing even the darkest abyss with his eyes firmly shut. Observing Wuma's relentless sprint towards the divine tree, Jiang Ping posed a query, his tone laced with curiosity, "Do you surmise he will opt for the dragon's blood or embrace the spark of civilization?"   "Whichever path Wuma chooses, it holds no surprise, as my calculations reveal a 60% probability that he will opt for the dragon's blood after witnessing there awe-inspiring prowess. In this vast expanse of existence, the dragons' unparalleled power stands resolute and dependable, compared to the uncertain spark of civilization. With the dragons' potent essence coursing through his veins, if the ape-man so chooses, he can effortlessly fend off colossal beasts, propelling the tribe to swift and formidable prominence. However, such a decision would place the entire tribe's hope upon a single individual, for even the slightest misstep could invite calamity," spoke the Creator, his voice resonating with certainty and wisdom. In the shadowy depths beneath the revered tree, Wuma stood at a crossroads of inner turmoil, grappling with the weight of his decision. The powers before him, both bestowed by the Creator, held the key to his tribe's destiny. "The unparalleled prowess of dragons, transcending the boundaries of this vast earth, is undeniable! Empowered by their majestic might, I shall effortlessly repel the onslaught of formidable beasts, propelling our tribe to rapid ascendancy. As for the elusive spark of civilization, it remains an unknown to me, its power and potential shrouded in mystery. Yet, deep within, I sense its promise, capable of elevating the ape tribe to unprecedented heights," Wuma murmured, his gaze drawn towards the latter. But after a few tentative steps, he abruptly turned, a resolute fire kindling within his eyes. "Though the limitations of dragon's power are known to me, the spark of civilization represents an unparalleled treasure in this expansive realm. The benevolence of the Creator's gifts shall not falter. I shall stake our tribe's future upon the collective strength of every member!" With unyielding determination, Wuma surged towards the elusive spark of civilization, navigating the veiled darkness that enveloped his way. Despite stumbling and enduring wounds along his arduous journey, he pressed on, steadfast in his pursuit. As doubt threatened to engulf him, a luminous spectacle materialized before his eyes—a cluster of radiant flames illuminating the path. Without hesitation, Wuma tapped into the depths of his potential, propelled by an unwavering resolve. He surged forward, drawing closer to the mesmerizing brilliance until he discerned that it was not a solitary blaze but rather an ethereal manifestation of fiery clusters. Each side revealed a suspended spear, accompanied by an ancient stone tablet. Approaching with caution, Wuma extended his grasp towards the spear, cognizant of the formidable power held within fire. He recalled the ferocious might of flames that consumed forests after thunderstorms, felling colossal beasts and dissuading even the mightiest of tigers. With utmost care, he clasped the spear within his hands. Forged from an otherworldly material, the spear's shaft emanated an unfamiliar yet comforting sensation as he held it. Its extraordinary tip, unlike any familiar wood, shimmered with a celestial silver luminescence amidst the dancing flames. A voice resonated within his consciousness, bearing profound significance. "Though the apes may bear inherent frailty, their dexterity surpasses all. They possess the power to wield the world's weapons. This spear of destiny is entrusted to you, and your fate rests solely within your grasp." Wuma tightened his grip upon the spear, overwhelmed with awe, unable to resist the urge to brandish it. With this invincible weapon, he would confront even the most extraordinary behemoths that roamed the earth. Yet, the allure of the flames beckoned him. Could this be the coveted spark of civilization? Wuma speculated, drawn towards its enchanting radiance. "Fear not the flames, for they unveil the path within the darkest nights and provide nourishment in times of need." Evidently, the flames possessed unfathomable power. Wuma contemplated their significance before shifting his attention to the peculiar stone tablet. The tablet, adorned with intricate and unknown runes, resembled sinuous and interwoven creatures, confounding Wuma's understanding. Its inscriptions bore the weight of profound truths, as ancient as the world itself. Is there naught but a simple explanation for this profound artifact? Wuma clutched the stone tablet with reverence, unable to fathom the depths of wisdom etched upon it. Merely contemplating the possibility of deciphering its ancient script stirred a profound sense of reverence within him. Unveiling its truths would undoubtedly herald cataclysmic transformations. At the break of dawn, Wuma gathered the entirety of the tribe beneath the sacred tree. The assembly of apes, their collective gaze etched with trepidation, cast wary glances around, vigilant for any untamed beasts that might assail them. Once the congregation had converged, Wuma ascended a grand platform, the spear of destiny firmly in hand. "By divine revelation, bestowed upon me by the Creator, I stand before you today!" Wuma proclaimed, his resonant voice carrying the weight of his sacred duty, instilling awe within the assembled apes. As perplexity clouded their visages, Wuma pressed forward, his words flowing forth with eloquence befitting the moment. "The Creator, in His boundless mercy, has graced me with three treasures: the spear of destiny that rests within my grasp, the stone tablet of eternal truths, and the ethereal flame!" His gaze sweeping across the tribe, Wuma raised the spear of destiny high above his head, a symbol of triumph and unyielding determination. "Henceforth, humanity shall transcend nature's wrath! From this day forward, we, the tribe of apes, shall no longer be at the mercy of ferocious beasts!" "Humanity triumphs over nature!" "Humanity triumphs over nature!" Beneath the heavens, a resounding chorus erupted from the throng of over five thousand ape-men, their impassioned cries interwoven with tears of despair. These beleaguered beings had endured unimaginable hardships, their existence plagued by perpetual seclusion within the shadows of dim caves, their bellies tormented by the gnawing hunger that plagued them ceaselessly. Yet, Wuma, the paragon of his era, lived up to the lofty expectations bestowed upon him. With an indomitable spirit, he directed his tribe to fashion crude yet formidable weapons by binding sharpened stones to sturdy branches, evoking the very essence of the legendary Spear of Destiny. Emboldened by these makeshift spears, he fearlessly led his brethren in a relentless assault against the formidable beasts that encircled them. The Spear of Destiny, an instrument of unparalleled might, effortlessly cleaved through even the most impregnable armor, shattering the barriers that once imprisoned the ape-men in a world of trepidation. Thus, the tribe triumphantly vanquished the perils that besieged them, expanding their dominion while gradually securing an ample bounty of sustenance. Concurrently, Wuma imparted to his kin the wisdom to harness the elemental force of fire. The enshrouding darkness no longer heralded the termination of their day, for fire became their staunch ally, banishing ferocious predators and transforming raw sustenance into nourishing fare. In their contact with the dancing flames, the ape-men discovered an elusive vitality that invigorated their bodies and kindled the embers of enlightenment within their burgeoning minds. Equipped with the transformative power of fire and the formidable spears, the beleaguered tribe at last found the means to defy the colossal beasts that once held dominion over them. Guided by Wuma's sagacity, their nascent intelligence burgeoned, and ingenious members of the tribe devised intricate traps to ensnare the gargantuan adversaries that threatened their existence. Meanwhile, Wuma assembled a council of the tribe's most astute individuals, tasking them with unraveling the enigmatic secrets inscribed upon the sacred stone tablet. The cryptic runes etched upon the tablet bewitched the ape-men, confounding their comprehension. Although their understanding fell short, they managed to distill the essence of their thoughts into the primal strokes of the first rudimentary pictographs. This seminal emergence of writing marked a watershed moment, empowering the transmission of knowledge through generations and nurturing the burgeoning intellect of subsequent ape-men, eradicating the looming specter of the colossal beasts that once cast their menacing shadows. The advent of writing, in turn, bestowed upon the ape-men the capacity to inscribe the annals of their own existence. Amidst the cavern's quietude, Jiang Ping paused to behold the evocative tapestry of cave paintings. The initial tableau depicted diminutive figures, representative of the myriad ten thousand ape-men who thrived beneath the sheltering embrace of the sacred tree—the progenitors from which all future generations would spring. The second mural unveiled a harrowing spectacle—a ravenous crimson dragon, its maw consuming the hapless ape-men, who, devoid of defense, frantically fled from the carnage wrought by the gargantuan predator. The anguish etched upon their countenances reverberated palpably from the pigments. In the third painting, a luminous colossus of celestial radiance commanded attention, the apex of a hierarchal order that compelled the chieftain of the ape-men to genuflect in reverence. An exchange transpired as the spear of destiny passed from the ethereal giant's grasp to the eager hands of the chieftain, while flames and the sacred stone tablet hovered in the mystical air. The final tableau captured the ape-men chieftain, now emboldened and wielding the formidable Spear of Destiny, leading his brethren in a relentless campaign against the colossal beasts that had long preyed upon them, symbolizing the ascendance of the ape-men's indomitable might. "These four cave paintings, fragments of a primeval epoch, perchance encapsulate the nascent chronicles of humankind's genesis in this untamed realm. Yet, the capricious whims of time render uncertain the preservation of their visage over a million years," Jiang Ping mused, his thoughts dwelling upon the poignant simplicity that imbued these illustrations with a profoundly resonant spirit. "Guided by these three treasured artifacts, the ape-men may yet traverse the path of rapid development," Jiang Ping concluded, his gaze unwavering as he continued to observe the evolving tapestry of the ape-men tribe. In this moment of contemplation, a profound disagreement arose among the beleaguered brethren. The relentless depletion of the beasts near the sacred tree, coupled with the inexorable growth of the ape-men population, had once again engendered a dire scarcity of food. Chief Wuma proposed a daring solution—relocation. However, this proposal engendered trepidation within the hearts of his compatriots, who feared the relinquishment of the sacred tree's protective embrace. Without its shelter, the tribe would be thrust perilously close to the precipice of extinction, vulnerable to the unrestrained savagery of the looming super beasts! --- END OF THE CHAPTER --- sigh man it looks so nice but its machine translated even if you ignore the unnecessary words after 3 chapters it doesn't even care to have proper formatting why some good novels are machine translated while trash novels with an mc that only thinks about his d*ck are getting pick by a good translator idu Anyone willing to risk death? '-'