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After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

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My name is Su Li. I traveled through time, and because of an accident, Princess Changle... Read more My name is Su Li.I traveled through time, and because of an accident, Princess Changle became a vegetative state, and I became the candidate for the celebration and sacrifice.Everyone is sorry for my miserable experience, but I almost went crazy with joy!Because I am bound to a system, as long as I have physical contact with noble people, I can get so many points, buy various commodities, and even call myself the ancestor, and return to modern times!…My name is Li Lizhi, usually they will call me Princess Changle.I fell into a coma, because of an accident. In fact, I was murdered into a vegetative state by my jealous sister Princess Gao Yang.Originally I was planning to end my life, but inexplicably gained a husband.He loved me so much, cared everything about me, and gave me the confidence to persevere, but… the shame is, why do you have to hold me every second no matter what a situation it is?Well, I admit it, this feeling is really delicious!Darling… I miss your hold so much even if I am just in your hold at this moment! Collapse Age Regression, Ancient Times, Beautiful Female Lead, Heartwarming, Reincarnation, Second Chance, System Administrator, Time Travel, Ugly to Beautiful Not really a good novel in case that you are thinking while reading. But if you go on brain off mode, I think it is alright. After reading the first 10 chapters I noticed that the mc did not have any personality. His plot armour is off the charts. SpoilerHe was "randomly" chosen to merry the princess out of probably 10 million others (china kingdoms had a lot of population) There is a lot of detailed information, which is generic knowledge to us but the mc has to say it, so he can appear smart. Again, not a good novel, if you are thinking while reading... Decent but would wait for mtls to catch up. As I can only find up to 192 for mtls when there are over 600 chapters. Read up to the latest mtl, quite good but after the fmc wakes up i got bored of it, idk if later on itll be better. Where did you read? https://mtlnation(.)com/novel/datang-after-marrying-a-vegetative-princess-i-went-crazy-with-joyremove parenthesis idk if links allowed here man, its mtl Update ? UwU My race is called barbarian in the novel (MTL)The classical chinese novel should always add racism to their novels. Fu#k their mother.A race that sees almost everything as food and calls another race barbarians... Disgusting, they just dont eat their own shit. If it goes on like this, there is certain probability of a second corona case. They are no different from pigs.From now on I will not read any novel by a Chinese based on real history. My respect for my ancestors has increased once again, whatever they do to such a stupid nation is right. Are you a Mongol? In which chapter was your race insulted? God damn I saw a comment from you saying I hate Chinese people. Then checked your profile to see if that was sarcasm or your real thought. I have to say, not trying to insult you because it’s what I genuinely think, you are one of the most stupid people I have seen. Just because some Chinese novels have nationalism, racism blah blah blah, all of Chinese people deserve to die. Like do you understand how ridiculous you sound? Either you’re really ignorant and have no idea what racism is, or you are stupid. You do realise racism isn’t solely something Chinese people do, right? Every country has racism, and a lot of people are racist. Purely due to hatred, because racism is the easiest way to vent your hatred. For example, if you were white, and you got into an argument with another white person, you can’t really say anything racist to them, can you? Now let’s say a white person got into an argument with a black person, or even the other way around. The white guy can easily insult the black guy using racist slurs, the other way around too with the black guy using racist slurs. It’s a fact that racism will exist forever, because humans place a lot of importance on visuals. Let me give you other examples, white people made black people slaves and abused them back then and saw black people as beneath them, should all white people now die because they are racist? I don’t know how old you are, but probably not that old. Just a couple of years ago, racism was everywhere, in school, in media, in workplace, you name it. It wasn’t until social media such as twitter, YouTube, instagram, Tik Tok, that racism became less prevalent. This is mainly due to people from different cultures gathering online and interacting with each other, also cancel culture, etc. If someone were to be racist online now for no good reason, then they would be quickly ‘cancelled’, they would get a lot of hate because racism is bad. I’ve even seen examples where people have found out the real identity of the person being racist, and sent their comment to their school, workplace etc. which caused them to be kicked out. Believe me when I say a lot of people have racism hidden within their hearts, but are smart enough to not say it out loud. I’ve seen a lot of videos where people of different races get into an argument and start racial slurring everywhere because it’s the most effective way to insult someone, unless they have a disability in which that would be the most effective and easiest way. As a Chinese person living in the UK, I’ve experienced racism growing up since my childhood, I’ve also had Muslim friends experience racism with people calling them terrorists. I’ve heard online influencers talking about how they experienced racism when they were in school a decade ago. Racism is mostly prevalent in schools because most children can’t control what comes out of their mouth, they don’t think of the consequences, hence why you see bullying is mostly prevalent in schools and not in workplace. Because adults are smart enough to not speak bad about you right in front of your face, they will instead talk behind your back and ostracise you etc. Also, while China contains most of the population of Chinese people, you do realise a lot of Chinese people live in other countries or were even born in other countries right? A lot of them are even married to other races. I’m sure a lot of Chinese people live in and are married to the people in the country you come from. Let’s say you become friends with a Chinese person, or someone from your family or relatives or friends marry a Chinese person, would you still think the same after interacting with them and finding them nice? It’s ironic because you are being racist yourself, you are cramming together a whole race due to what a few people have done. Which is a really petty way of thinking. If a person not from your race did something that deserves death, would you want their entire race to accompany him to death due to his wrongs? That doesn’t make much sense does it? Its insane how you straight up called the entire nation stupid purely because you disagree with a few authors views. You only see the racism Chinese authors write because the majority of novels you read are Chinese. You would find racism in other countries novels if you read those instead. If you don’t like Chinese people, then stop reading there books. I certainly wouldn’t want someone who starts shit talking my race whether the slightest nationalism comes up. It doesn’t feel good to be insulted like that. I’ll be honest, whenever I see comments like this, I just think in my mind ‘another retarded person’, and move on, but you can’t expect me to move on when I see all the retarded comments you have posted. You hate the Chinese? Ok, do they care? No. There’s billions of Chinese people walking on this earth and what you think will never reach most of them. There’s definitely racism in China, but is there no racism in your own country? I hope you’re not delusional to say ‘there is no racism in my country’. You are plain stupid. Here’s one of your comments that got 27 likes from other stupid people something the Chinese have in their blood is racism. There is racism in history, in their current behavior and even in their web novels, why should I love those who defame my race?I dont care about their opinion but I hateIt’s hilarious that you think the Chinese have racism in their blood and history, you are acting like no other country has racism in their history, as racism in there blood….I won’t say anything in reply to such a stupid comment. ‘Why should I love those who defame my race?’ Well then tough luck since you now apparently hate most of the races on earth. It might be mind opening to you but China is definitely not the only country who has been racist to your country. But you are correct about something, why should I love the guy who has been insulting my race? So here’s a sentence for you, go f#ck yourself you piece of sh!t and also those who liked your comment. I don’t care if you retards dislike my comment, feel free to do so, the fact that I made you waste time to read my long ass comment makes me happy. I never read your comment. You are already defending racism by saying "you are also racist". If 9 out of 10 of your novels are racist or insulting to any race, you need to question a little. Even you now accept the racism of your own race as normal because you have a government, a state that fills your head with shit. It's a shame, even though it's been thousands of years, you're still so angry, if only those who persecuted you had done worse. No other nation is so hateful towards other races. I pity you.Also, since I don't know any Chinese, I think it's right to judge Chinese by looking at novels. After all, that's my only contact. Also 99% if I went to China there would be passport control every 20 minutes. It's like that on almost every channel I watch on youtube. I once again admired my ancestors because they scared you so much.I used google translate, I don't mind typos. You can f#ck off. You Lost me at "I don't know any Chinese person so I take my entire knowledge of them from work of fiction that some neck beard wrote in his cave"Really unhealthy outlook I must say.But I must ask.What you think about America? Fu#k the mother of the Americans.I also think that thinking is very normal. They are the eternal works of that country that describe a state, a city, a person. After all, a webnovel is a product of literature. Also, what I said is true. I'm pretty sure when I go to China there will be passport control every 20 minutes. dude. I went to see how long your comment was and... Maybe try not writing a pages worth of words? And how does this concern you? I’m not asking or forcing you to read the it am I? It doesn't concern me, yet i care anyway so deal. Why did you bother writing so much if no one is going to read it probably, is my point. Wait, so the only reason to comment is so other people will read it? I can’t comment any comments if no one else will read it? Where’s the logic? Also clearly people did read it, 26 likes and 4 dislikes makes at least 30 people, even if non of them read the whole thing I’m assuming they at least read or skimmed through it. I’m just so confused at why you had to make such a comment because it’s just so random, did my long comment trigger you or something? Well here’s another wall of text. Most normal people would not have read it unless they were curious. Would you write a novel if you knew with 70% probability that no one would would ever read it? The point of comments is to state your opinion and respond to others. Now those arent the only ways to use them but they are main ways. Why comment if no one would want to even read it is a semi realistic standpoint. Otherwise its no different from screaming into a void, hoping you hear something back Hop off his meat damn Wdym? Correction 'black people' enslaved other 'black people' white men mostly bought slaves ( then obv devolved into stealing or other sht ) but in the first place most 'black' slaves were purchased by white ppl from 'black people' I suggest you give this a read, won’t take much of your time. I said mostly since I already understood not all black people sold their own, however I was also stating it's not as if none ever did ( sorry if that was unclear ). Slavery was also what blacks did to their own people before they even met white people. - Also white people were enslaved quite frequently as well whether by other whites, blacks, or other races. Slavery was common back then, sht Africa still has slavery to this day. I mean slavery was everywhere back then, there were frequently wars between different factions or kingdoms which meant there would be prisoners of wars, which a lot of would turn into slaves. So yes, black people were enslaving black people first, but that doesn’t mean white people didn’t enslave them. Buying the slaves from them is enslaving them. They could have set them free, but no, they used them as slaves. In your first comment you started with “Correction”, meaning you think what I said about white people enslaving black people was wrong. If white people buying black slaves and using them as slaves is not enslaving them, then what is it? Maybe there’s another term for it, but I haven’t done an in-depth study so I wouldn’t know. Idk if we had a mix up or what but I was agreeing with white people having slaves ( Mostly from purchasing and I'm not saying there was no stealing of free black people ) I was just saying most slaves of the black colour were enslaved by their own. Slavery was done by legit everyone so it's not hard to find cases of white ppl enslaving blacks, my main point was most of the slaves were just the black people doing it to themselves. Like white people who enslaved other whites whether by force or sht like 'contracts and agreements' which were unfair but the commoners had no other option. Life sucked back then. Ok so I just read through the comments again and in my original comment I said while people made black people slaves, which you responded to with this: Correction 'black people' enslaved other 'black people' white men mostly bought slaves Using the word ‘correction’, which clearly means you think I was wrong. My point is, sure most black slaves were turned into slaves by other black people, but the fact is that white people bought these slaves and used them as slaves. If they bought them then gave them their freedom then sure, but they didn’t. They used them as slaves which is slavery. That’s also not to mention the fact that not all black slaves were made slaves by other black people, quite a lot were done by white people. So I just don’t understand why you used correction as if what I said was wrong, hence why I replied back. Whole comment thread was AIDS. Yikes "whatever they do to such a stupid nation is right". I dont know about your race but you certainly have barbaric tendencies. Me after reading this: You should also think from the perspective of native Indians whom Europeans murdered to establish their rule in America.At that point, your ancestors are worse than a beast by your standards.....Grow up kid..... Im not American, kid. I was talking about Europeans rather than Americans.......So Europeans are inherently racist by nature of I follow through your teachings.There's always a dark side of everything in this world.....Be it religion, race, creed, countries, etc.....So, be more forgiving. I gave it a try (9 chaps). It's not bad, just not to my taste. Maybe I'll come back to it later. Actually not bad. Not amazing either but I like it so far Read 30 chaps, not good, not bad, not average, sometimes cringe, shy reactions of princess are fun n cute.8.1/10 Update.Read MTL 194 chaps.It's better than 90% of other Chinese shish, but very very OP MC. How readable is the MTL? I'll give it a go if it will let me keep my braincells You can understand 95% of mtl text if you read some mtl before. I'll give it a go. Where did you read it? Can you give me a link? Is it possible to use ChatGPT to translate it? It's on faloo. You need to pay money to get image with text of chapter on Chinese. Not worth it. A pity. I heard, that AI can translate better than humans. Where did you hear that and how much crack had that person smoked before saying it? It's honestly insane how wrong that is. My cousin uses ChatGPT a lot and said it can translate perfectly. I didn't use it as much but I asked it to write an e-mail with a certain subject in german (my question was in English) and it provided me a perfect e-mail. I haven't tried to use it as a translator though, so I don't know how good it is.I believe the biggest problem is the restrictions that doesn't allow it to work with subjects containing violence and illicit theme, though where lies the limit.... that's not something I know...(I have personally asked it to write a duel of two knights in 500 words and it did quite some nice work. Though... a warning popped up as it was involved with violence....) maybe becuz the script is english its able to give out all the nuances well. but if script is different then i think ull run into issues Bro mad happy after marrying a vegetable must have some actual devious diabolical thoughts smh