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7 months ago
An unusual application had mysteriously installed itself on my smartphone, and within it, an alien... Read more An unusual application had mysteriously installed itself on my smartphone, and within it, an alien organism was growing. Collapse Ability Steal, Accelerated Growth, Alternate World, Anti-social Protagonist, Army Building, Battle Competition, Character Growth, Cruel Characters, Dungeon Master, Dungeons, Evil Gods, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Godly Powers, Gods, Grinding, Hidden Abilities, Hunters, Insects, Interdimensional Travel, Level System, Male Protagonist, Masochistic Characters, Master-Servant Relationship, Multiple Realms, Overpowered Protagonist, Pets, Sadistic Characters, Servants, Sharp-tongued Characters, Special Abilities, Survival, Survival Game, Tsundere, Weak to Strong, Younger Sisters I like this novel it has a lot of potential, but I can't see how a human with human emotions can control a Legion who only wants to devour and grow their goals will definitely intercept.And the thing I hate the most is how they narrate the story without telling who is speaking, where they speaking , they will just go from one person to another one world to another, I get confused a lot easily Racial characteristics remind me a lot of shepharding humanity... The hell it has been up for 54 years?! What It showed that it was up for 54 years, when there were no chapters. ???? It showed that it was up for 54 years, when there were no chapters. Man novel these days... atleast explain more...Oh wait it is korean, nvmJoin Join the ranobe discord, link in my profile #panic# does not have chapters Nice